High Impact
Leadership Development
Online | Wednesday 26 June 2024
14.00 – 15.00 BST (15.00 – 16.00 CEST)
In spite of the vast sums spent on leadership education, impactful leadership development is still relatively rare; even though we understand a lot about how adults learn, we still struggle to practically apply this to how we develop future leaders. In this webinar, we will focus on how organisations can bring the theory to life to develop leaders ready to address future business challenges.
Learning Objectives
- Consider how different elements of the leadership system interact and what this means for the practice of leadership today.
- Discuss the practical challenges organisations are facing as they seek to develop effective leaders.
- Revisit the principles of adult learning and consider how we can apply them to achieve better outcomes for leadership development.
Who is this event for?
HRDs and leadership and learning professionals with responsibility for developing future leaders in their organisation.
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To attend the in-person version of this event, please see information here.

Barbara Kellerman
Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership
Barbara Kellerman was Founding Executive Director of the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School; the Kennedy’s School’s James MacGregor Burns Lecturer in Leadership; and a member of the Harvard faculty for over twenty years. She is currently a Fellow at the Center. Kellerman has held professorships at Fordham, Tufts, Fairleigh Dickinson, George Washington, Uppsala, and Christopher Newport Universities, as well as at Dartmouth, and the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. She also served as Director of Graduate Studies at Fairleigh Dickinson, and Director of the Center for the Advanced Study of Leadership at the University of Maryland.
Kellerman received her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College, and her M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. (in Political Science) degrees from Yale University. She was awarded a Danforth Fellowship and three Fulbright fellowships. At Uppsala (1996-97), she held the Fulbright Chair in American Studies. Kellerman was cofounder of the International Leadership Association (ILA) and is author and editor of many books including The Political Presidency; Bad Leadership; Followership; Leadership: Essential Selections (2010); The End of Leadership (2012); Hard Times: Leadership in America (2014), Professionalizing Leadership (2018), and The Enablers. Kellerman has appeared on media outlets such as CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, Reuters, and BBC, and has contributed articles and reviews to the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, and the Harvard Business Review.
She has spoken to audiences all over the world including in Berlin, Moscow, Melbourne, Sao Paolo, Jerusalem, Mumbai, Toronto, Kyoto, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Sydney, and Seoul. She received the Wilbur M. McFeeley Award from the National Management Association for her pioneering work on leadership and followership, as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Leadership Association. In 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 she was listed by Global Gurus as among the “World’s Top 30 Management Professionals.” In 2023 she was ranked #10 on the list. Hernext book, Leadership from Bad to Worse: What Happens When Bad Festers, will be published by Oxford University Press on March 1, 2024. Kellerman regularly posts blogs at: https://barbarakellerman.com/articles

Fredrik Schuller
Executive Vice President and Partner, BTS
Fredrik, as the global head of the BTS Coaching Centre of Excellence, and Talent and Leadership Leader for BTS Europe, has led the design and delivery of leadership interventions for hundreds of thousands of leaders for organisations across the globe.
Fredrik is also enjoying learning to Wing Foil in between playing with his two young boys.

Gillian Pillans
Research Director, Corporate Research Forum
Gillian has worked as a senior HR practitioner and OD specialist for several organisations including Swiss Re, Vodafone and BAA. Prior to her HR career, she was a management consultant with Deloitte Consulting and is also a qualified solicitor. Gillian has written various CRF reports on subjects including HR strategy, organisation design and development, leadership development, coaching and diversity.