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CRF Community: TLL – Global Talent Trends with Mercer
From British financial services firm
CRF’s response: CRF hosted a number of sessions looking at leadership in disruptive times:
– Developing Adaptive Leadership for Times of Crisis and Beyond – CRF’s Research Director Gillian Pillans hosted metaBeratung’s Nicole Neubauer and JTI’s Anna Kerechashvili in discussion about the leadership implications of rapid change.
– Effective Leadership Development in Disruptive Times – This meeting included two interesting case studies from FS organisations. Dr Amelie Villeneuve, Global Head of Innovation and Transformation for Talent at UBS, and Vicky Smith, Head of Learning and Development at Brewin Dolphin talked about their approach to leadership in the crisis.
At CRF’s Digital Conference, Jennifer Jordan lead a session on Leading in a Virtual World which discussed what leaders can do to ensure team members are working together effectively in a virtual workplace.
We also connected this member with contacts at IMD Business School to have an informal discussion.
From multinational energy and resources company
CRF’s Response: CRF were able to curate resources to explore these topics:
– Short Paper: OD Manifesto – The need for business-focused, expert Organisation Development (OD) capability has arguably never been greater. Our view is that a new, refined, reinvigorated OD is called for and we have created this OD Manifesto as a prompt for debate, discussion and – most importantly – action.
– Research Report: Rethinking Talent Management – This research report draws upon international good practice, including work of leading academics, specialist consultants and experienced practitioners. It provides practical recommendations and methodologies for improvement of talent management.
– Podcast: Developing Talent Acquisition Strategies to Win the War for Talent with Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic – In conversation with Professor Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, we discuss the latest technology and trends in resourcing and explore how talent practitioners can make better hiring decisions.
– Research Report: Resourcing: How’s HR’s core competence evolving? – Despite rapid change in the resourcing field, the factors that underpin effective recruitment (such as having a well-defined recruitment process, a robust evidence-driven selection process, and a strong employer brand) remain constant. This report provides examples and practical recommendations for improving your resourcing strategy to attract individuals with core technical skills.
– Post Meeting Notes: Talent Management: Careers, Development And Succession In A Changing Landscape – Experts explore how organisations are rethinking their approaches to talent and career development in light of changing expectations around careers. Specifically, how to support career development and critical skills, re-skilling the workforce and practical steps to ensure career planning is intrinsically linked to talent.
– Research Report: Developing and Broadening Specialists – The report outlines successful approaches for specialists, and their employers, to manage transitions to leadership.
Would CRF be able to suggest some specific online content that could supplement the other learning we are providing? Anything around the importance of career development conversations.
From a British retail & consumer goods business
CRF’s Response: CRF Research Report Talent – Careers, Development and Succession in a Changing Landscape looks at how activities around talent and careers need to focus on developing the future capabilities required to build and transform the business and execute new strategies. Specifically, it explores what is driving the evolution in careers, development and succession; and how we can develop an integrated system for career development.
We connected the member with Gillian Pillans, CRF’s Research Director, for a session to explore the above research in the context of their business needs.
Post Meeting Notes: Better Conversations – Why they matter and How to Have them with Wanda Wallace – In this webinar, Wanda Wallace explores what makes great conversations, how we can best prepare for important discussions and how to deal with difficult ones. She also explains the various mental models and thoughts, and how we can learn to adapt to others’ styles.
Mind Tools has a number of resources to support this process:
– Conversations
– Career Management
– Performance Management

Advisory Practice
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Research: Coaching – Maximising Business Impact
Coaching in organisations has significantly expanded over the last decade. We expect this trend to continue as companies use technology to offer coaching more widely, incorporate coaching in learning and development programmes, develop in-house coaching capability and set objectives around developing a coaching-based culture. We define coaching as a goal-focused, collaborative and client-centred approach which…

Community Charter – Talent, Leadership and Learning

Research: Making a Paradigm Shift in Leadership Development

Research: Effective Succession Management

Research: The Future of Learning
Latest Resources

TL&L Summary Notes: Culture Dashboards

TL&L Summary Notes: Evaluation of Coaching for Business Impact

TL&L Summary Notes: Workforce & Labour Market Trends

TL&L Summary Notes: Leadership Frameworks

Learning Performance Benchmark
The Learning Performance Benchmark is a free, independent, and confidential L&D comparison tool, that measures the impact of your organisation’s learning strategy and helps you understand the level of learning maturity in your organisation.
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Preparing for the Future of Work – Mercer

Creating Teams that Do Transformational Work – BTS

Delivering Development in a Virtual World – RHR International